Monday, May 23, 2011

How to build a drupal 7 template

Site Building :
With Drupal 7, you get a new and much nicer administrative

interface than Drupal 6|5|4 etc. The admin interface uses a new theme, Seven which is preety nice.

Now create a folder into sites/all/themes folder then an .info file

inside that folder to describe the theme to Drupal, and then make some CSS

stylesheets to insert your own styles.
Your theme's info file name must exactly match with you theme folder name.

.info file content:
.info file contains inforamation related to your theme. You will need to enter into your themes .info file.

; $Id$
name = Test templat
description = This is a Test theme for Drupal.
core = 7.x
stylesheets[all][] = style.css

Theme designing:
You can see this post for theme designing for drupal 7 Drupal theme designing tutorial.

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